Educators Retirement Playbook is a collaborative effort between the Arizona 403(b) Professionals Group and AK Collaborations, LLC. Our vision is to assist the thousands of educators that need – and deserve – access to information and resources to help make decisions regarding planning for retirement. The team puts research to work delivering financial literacy to educators using the Arizona 403(b) Professionals Group’s experience preparing educators for a lifetime of financial security.
In 2017, a group of retirement planners began working with AK Collaborations to create a web-based learning platform that would guide education professionals to create their own retirement success. The result is the Educators’ Retirement Playbook. Care was taken in the development of this site to remain unbiased towards any particular retirement product vendor; information provided covers a wide variety of retirement planning and options.
Educators Retirement Playbook is committed to helping educators and support staff nationally become “Retirement Ready”. We do this by helping these hard working professionals directly and by supporting the districts and employers for whom they work.
Dr. Mark Adkins, Ph.D. is a leader in technical development as well as collaboration and e-learning. As the Director of Research at the Center for the Management of Information at the University of Arizona, he orchestrated large scale multi-million dollar research projects around the globe with industry, government departments and agencies. Mark now owns AK Collaborations, LLC and is improving organizations with efficient operations through collaboration. Mark earned his degree from the University of Arizona in Communication and Information Systems. Dr. Adkins provides considerable knowledge in the delivery of curriculum to our effort.
Dr. Edwin Dawson, Ph.D. has been in education for over 30 years and creates course materials as well as directs and produces content. His teaching experience spans 4th grade to graduate students and his administrative experience ranges from being the Diving rector of Research in a tribal college, to Executive Director of Federal Programs and Research in a Pre-K to 12 district in the Southwest Sunnyside Unified School District. Dr. Dawson enhances Educators Retirement Playbook’s site content by viewing all material from the perspective of the educator and lends his expertise on how people learn.
The members of the Arizona 403(B) Professionals group provided content expertise. Consisting of leading Financial Advisors in the State of Arizona, this group offered their considerable knowledge in the development of educational materials and curriculum to the site. This group has an unmatched experience in guiding members of the educational community through the maze of financial issues specific to their needs.